Fairytale's Peaceful Tiana
Our new hope, unearthed in the depths of Germany, a black pearl. Wonderfully rustic and healthy parents, the young lady joined us at the end of April 2021 after a 4-month wait._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
Thanks to Cora and Diana for their trust and investment in American Collie breeding in Germany.
At 1 year old Tiana is a dog of infinite sweetness, Mélusine adores her and can walk her with great ease as she listens wonderfully. She is very sociable, vocalizes little, sticky like all our Collies. Image-wise in the car and at home.
I like his moderate fur very soft and easy to maintain. She has a superb harmonious construction, the expression filled with the characteristic softness of the breed.
She is a rustic female dog and of a large size: 61cm for 27kg to date!
Its description
Born on: 04/01/2021
Color: tricolor
Height: 61cm
Weight: 27kg

His Health Tests
AOC: free
APR: +/+ healthy
DM: free
MDR1: +/+ healthy

His parents
Ranger vom Märchenland & Fairytales La Dolce Vita "Lina"

His grand-parents
Maternal: Immortal Ladys Jago River Garvey & Silvermoons Amidala Fairy Blue

Fathers: Artax de la Isla Bonita & Mercedes Vom Marchenland