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Talamasca Nebraska

After a lot of effort, sleepless nights and waiting, here is our first "Colley du Talamasca"!

We had to watch them grow a little over 2 months for our final choice to be Nebraska, but he has so many exceptional qualities that we couldn't keep him...

At 2 months and 1 week the guy already weighs 10kg!

At 5 months he is already bigger than his mother...

At 6 months he weighs 22 kg.

At 14 months he weighs almost 35kg!

At 2 years old he measures 65cm for 38kg!

A BIG Collie like my Tala and her dad Tchekov!

He has an adorable character, very cuddly, very close to us, he is a very "smiling" puppy, a real little walking happiness. He is very reliable and sociable, even during the female dogs' heat! I love him deeply.

Physically he is a giant! He is powerful, strong-boned, the pace is typically shepherdess and yet light despite his size. His expression is to die for...He has long, moderately thick fur, the hair is a little softer than rough.

Nebraska became a father in 2019 of a litter of 7 puppies with Cherry. He transmitted his power and his kindness to his son and his 6 daughters!

Its description

Born on: 08/16/2017

Colour: charcoal sand

Height: 65cm

Weight: 37kg

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His Health Tests

AOC: -/- Grade 1 normal vision

APR: +/+ healthy

DM: +/- unharmed carrier

MDR1: -/- at risk

Von Willebrand: +/+ healthy

Hips: A/A

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His parents

Tchekov from Clos d'Acadie & Tallulah from Clos d'Acadie

Tchekov 105petit.jpg

His Descent

Litter 2019 with Cherry

Chiots Cherry&Nebraska 5 semaines et dem
Penny 6 mois.jpg
Perle 6 mois.jpg
Paige 6 mois.jpg
Chiots Cherry&Nebraska 3 semaines et dem
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