Conditions of sale
Reserve your puppy
All of our puppies come from parents genetically screened for AOC, APR, Degenerative Myelopathy, MDR1 and Von Willebrand. Both parents will also have been X-rayed for hip dysplasia and a fundus (when warranted) performed in adulthood.
Our puppies are sold for company exclusively (private buyer).
The price (2021) is unique regardless of the sex or color of the puppy: 1500€
This price includes: the first vaccination, the electronic identification, the internal/external deworming, the American UKC pedigree, the puppy kit with the obligatory documents + collar and leash and toy + 3 days of Barf food.
Fundoscopy for AOC as well as MDR1 testing is included when the puppy is likely to be affected.
=> The other DNA tests to determine whether or not a gene is carried (unscathed puppy by parentage) remain optional with a supplement.
Le prix pour un chiot Colley Américain passe à 1500€ pour la France, Suisse et Luxembourg à ces conditions :
Départ à partir de 9 semaines et AVANT 12 semaines.
Identification, primo-vaccination DAPPIL4, Certificat de bonne santé.
Vermifuge des 2, 4, 6 et 8 semaines.
Traitement antiparasitaire externe valable 1 mois.
Kit chiot et bien sûr tous les documents d'accompagnement !
Pour un départ en France, Suisse et Luxembourg d'un chiot A PARTIR de 12 semaines, le prix est de 1700€ et inclus, en plus de ce qui est cité plus haut :
Rappel de vaccin DAPPIL4.
Passeport et vaccin Rage.
Vermifuge des 12 semaines.
Un deuxième traitement antiparasitaire externe.
L'alimentation pour ces semaines supplémentaires.
Pour les départs à l'étranger nécessitant un DÉLAI ANTIRABIQUE (Belgique), soit un départ à 3 mois + 21 jours, le prix est fixé à 1800€ et inclus tout ce qui est cité au dessus, ainsi que l'alimentation pour les semaines au delà de l'âge de 12 semaines, et jusqu'à 16 semaines maximum.
We only sell for breeding purposes to established, trained and declared breeders, with a serious breeding program based on the importation of new lines, and on presentation of the mandatory declarations (professional buyer).
Making contact
You fell in love with the American Collie, our ethics and our dogs convinced you: you want to book!
First of all, I thank you for your confidence and I am happy to accompany you in your project.
The first thing to do is to answer this little questionnaire to return to me by email at: melissa.educanine@hotmail.fr
It allows me to have a trace of your contact and all the information about you.
Upon receipt, I will invite you to call me to get acquainted in person. My number does not change:
=> Telephone contact is obligatory for any request to be put on the waiting list!
Last name
First name
Full address
Family situation
Profession and schedules
Do you have other animals?
Have you ever had dogs?
Why an American Collie?
Do you feel comfortable with the BARF diet?
Male or female ?
Preferred color
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Waiting list
After our discussion by telephone, if your profile seems suitable to me for the adoption of a Collie puppy, you will be registered in the precious " little blue book ".
The waiting list does not commit you but guarantees you priority on the next litter. Each person is listed in chronological order.
You will be kept informed of the heat of the female dog, the projection, then we will wait for the confirmation of pregnancy by ultrasound 3 to 4 weeks later to proceed to the stage of the official reservation.
Unable to control Mother Nature, it is better to be armed with patience with our dear Collies who cycle only once a year! Most adopters sign up 12 to 18 months ahead of the waiting list...
The official reservation
The ultrasound is done around 3 to 4 weeks of gestation, the total duration being 9 weeks.
It allows us to have an approximate idea of the number of puppies expected by the mother.
Each person on the waiting list is contacted to confirm their interest: things may have changed at this time, and people at the bottom of the list may gain places.
Once the puppies are born :
The official reservation is made by the signing of a contract between you and me committing you definitively to the scope .
It stipulates your gender and color preferences.
It is accompanied by a deposit of €500 by preferably bank transfer or check.
=> The contract can only be canceled if no puppy available according to your order of choice corresponds to your preferences expressed in the contract; for example, you wanted a female, and there are only males; or in case of force majeure.
All this is written black on white in the contract, there is no surprise to fear.
The choice of the puppy: between 4 and 6 weeks
Between the birth and the 5 weeks of the puppies, I do not receive visitors for the tranquility of the mother. You will be able to follow the evolution of the litter thanks to the photo shoot carried out each week and published on the facebook page of the breeding.
From the age of 5 weeks, the puppies can be visited and the final choice can be made.
Your choice will be specified on the reservation contract.
Visits are on weekdays or weekends by appointment only.
=> I want to meet all the members of the puppy's future family!
I understand and accept for people living in other regions that we cannot move for the choice of the puppy in addition to the day of the sale. In this case, we define together the profile of the puppy that best suits your life and I direct you to the puppy that seems to me the most promising in the litter.
Please note : if I wish to keep one (or more) puppies in the litter, my choice will be made after receipt of the genetic tests, i.e. BETWEEN 8 AND 12 WEEKS.
The Day of Departure: from 9 weeks
Our puppies leave the breeding from the 9th week minimum.
If I have to choose future breeders, my final choice will be made after receipt of the genetic tests, which can delay the departure for several weeks.
On the day of departure we draw up a sales contract / invoice together which includes all the legal guarantees.
=> The balance of the price of the puppy must have been paid in full before your arrival by bank transfer or check. The only means of payment accepted on site on the d-day will be cash.
The puppy kit is given to you today, as well as your new companion!
Our puppy kit
All our puppies are sold with:
Health record with primary vaccination
Identification by transponder
Veterinary health certificate
Ophthalmological examination (when justified)
UKC pedigree over 5 generations
Invoice with legal guarantees
natural food guide
Advice booklet written by us
3 days of BARF feeding
A collar and a leash + a toy
Departure for abroad (Europe)
In compliance with the legal provisions in force, any puppy having to cross the French border to join its new family must:
- Have received the vaccine for Rabies at the age of 3 months
- Have a passport
- Have complied with the waiting period of 21 full days following the rabies vaccination.
This means that your puppy will only be able to leave the breeding at 3 months + 22 days.
- These measures do not concern Switzerland -
As of 2018 , we are requesting the reimbursement of the following costs for additional weeks spent in breeding, from the 9th week (or the arrival of the genetic results):
- Vaccination booster + Rabies + Passport = 70€
- Food, per additional week = 20€
We do not ask for "boarding fees", nor for the education of the puppy and the continuation of its socialization (car, outings, walking on a leash) which are an integral part of our investment for each of our puppies, whatever the departure age.