Frequently Asked Questions
Can the American Collie live in an apartment?
YES, provided you have daily access to a place to stroll conducive to freedom and discovery (no city center). With three hygienic outings and a relaxation outing of at least 1 hour each day, your Collie will adapt to life in an apartment without any problem. The garden is an undeniable bonus but it should in no case, whatever its size, replace frequent and varied outings to maintain the socialization of the dog throughout its life!
Can he live outside?
NO, he is very close to his family and would be very unhappy to be settled away from home. If his fur and his physical condition allow him to spend a lot of time outside comfortably whatever the season, he should not be excluded from family life. I also strongly advise against leaving the dog in the garden during absences because of the risk of theft and accident.
Is he good with children?
YES, and he even loves them! Naturally gentle, sensitive and loving, he is both protective and patient with the little ones. This does not exempt the parents from educating the children to respect the dog and to the good gestures for a harmonious cohabitation. I provide advice on this subject in the breeding booklet and our puppies are in daily contact with children.
Choose a male or a female?
The main difference will be the size: the male is much larger than the female! Character level, the two are adorable companions. The male is just as, if not more, cuddly than the female dog. He will prove to be an excellent companion for children contrary to popular belief: Nebraska is Mélusine's official nanny here, they adore each other! No matter how much he lifts his paw, a male can absolutely and without difficulty be educated not to urinate just anywhere and will thus be as clean as the female.
I would like to give my dog a litter...
I am very clear on this point: if I have to give up a puppy for breeding, it is to an installed, trained and declared breeder!
First of all to protect this beautiful profession, and French law goes in this direction: from the first litter, you must declare yourself to the Chamber of Agriculture and to taxes.
Then because the breeding of American Collies is laborious. Whether on the logistical level: with barely a dozen farms in Europe, and American breeders who do not sell to the first comer, it is better to be armed with patience and be ready to travel, sometimes at short notice when the female dog is ready. But also in terms of selection with several very common genetic diseases to take into consideration and fully understand before choosing a partner! I'll spare you the details of the reproductive particularities of our dear Collies, with, among other things, the fact of having to sleep with the female dog the first 3 weeks after birth...
Is grooming binding?
NOT AS MUCH AS IT SEEMS... With its shepherd's fur made for bad weather and life in the great outdoors, its hair doesn't tangle much. A good weekly brushing and a regular bath will allow you to keep it impeccable.
Is he social with other animals?
YES, the Collie likes to live with congeners, even of the same sex. He is naturally nice with farm animals and cats (used to puppy breeding). He can coexist with small animals (chickens, rabbits...) as long as he is introduced to him as a member of the family.
Could I present my American Collie at a show?
NO and yes. No in France because the LOF does not recognize the American standard. On the other hand, your dog's UKC pedigree can allow it to be presented in other European countries where English standard and American standard coexist without worries.
Is he a runaway?
NOPE. A Collie well in his family and regularly walked has no reason to run away except for the whole male during the periods of heat of the female dogs of the neighborhood... A correct fence remains OBLIGATORY for the safety of your dog if you want that he alone benefits from your exteriors.
Is BARF obligatory?
I won't hide from you that I want it for the good of my puppies... There are different ways to feed your dog with fresh food, we can discuss it and find a menu that suits both you and your family. Collie. The important thing is his health and that you are comfortable with his diet.