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Animal Welfare

in 5 Basic Needs

At the heart of our concerns, animal welfare is a vast subject in which it is urgent to question ourselves. Over the years spent with our Collies, several awarenesses have emerged and are still emerging among us.

Through this page, I wish to open you up to other horizons of Human-Dog cohabitation, for a more serene, respectful and fulfilling relationship.

Biological Needs

To meet the biological needs of a dog, we must first know them, then understand them, and finally, seek to apply them despite all our constraints of human life.

  • Healthy food and fresh water available: choosing BARF was a way for us to offer our dogs a diet close to their true nature, appetizing, varied, bringing them pleasure and satisfaction.

  • Sufficient physical activity: Collies, selected to keep herds in all weathers, travel tens of kilometers every day, outdoor activity for several hours a day is essential. Our dogs have a relaxation park on 2 levels where they spend their days together. Several times a week, they are free to explore the mountains and the forest during 2-hour outings, in addition to more family-friendly walks in popular places.

  • Maintenance and respectful veterinary care: by getting the puppy used to it very gently, without ever forcing it, you get an adult dog that readily lends itself to various treatments. This habit allows a regular maintenance of its fur, its ears, its teeth etc... without stress and even with pleasure! Our dogs are brushed daily and bathed several times a year. At the veterinarian, no restraint is necessary for auscultation because they are confident.

  • Protection and safety: the dog must feel good at home and with his family. It is fundamental for all living beings! It should be ensured that our dogs are always protected from bad weather,  malicious people or people who simply make them uncomfortable, that they find a comfortable sleeping area and clean where they will not be disturbed for a quality rest .

Emotional Needs

"Being a good "teacher" means being consistent, understanding and benevolent"

The dog is a sentient being, capable of empathy, this is particularly true with our Collies who are very sensitive. It is essential to integrate that the dog is an emotional being just like us, that he feels Love, Sadness, Joy, Fear. It's a real "sponge" that receives our emotions without filter on a daily basis, just like a child.

To become aware of this is to accept to love it in its entirety, to give it our love every day, our affection which it delights in.  It is to preserve it when our emotions overwhelm us. It's talking to him, explaining to him, telling him how we feel, that he's not guilty, apologizing when we let ourselves be overwhelmed.

The dog seeks our trust, it is up to us to prove to him by a benevolent attitude and positive guidance that we are worthy of it. To be a good "master" is to be consistent, understanding and benevolent: quite the opposite of what circulates about the education of dogs among certain professionals where you will be told that you must "dominate", " to break", "to be obeyed".

The Collie is intelligent and sensitive, bully him once, physically or verbally, and you will lose his confidence!

Living in a community is natural and essential to the well-being of dogs.

It is not a question of a "hierarchical pack life" for our domestic dogs, neither between them, nor with us, but of a peaceful cohabitation where each one finds his place.

With us there is no "dominant" and "dominated", neither between males nor between females! We must perceive the dog as he really is: a full individual, with his genetics, his experiences and his history. Each has its own character, individual prerogatives, specific needs. When we observe them from this angle, it becomes obvious that everyone is doing their part and we discover how developed their ability to adapt is.

Thus,  with each new arrival, everyone reorganizes smoothly to make room for the new one.

  • There is family life, with us humans.

Our Collies are not made to live isolated outside the house but to participate in our daily life where they brilliantly find their place. They like contact, meeting new people, the calm of a sofa break like the excitement of a sporting outing, (almost) everything will please him as long as he can accompany you.

"Almost" because there are also activities where the dog will be better off at home than with us: July 14th party, shopping in town, visiting an island in 35°c weather, etc... Think about it. preserve !

  • And there is the life of a dog, with the congeners.

No dog can flourish cut off from all contact with his fellow dogs. Even "reactive" dogs: they suffer from this lack and no longer know how to communicate with their species due to bad experiences and deprivations.

Dogs have a very rich language which justifies the multiplication of encounters! Whether he lives alone or with others, it is essential to allow his dog to meet other congeners, of all ages, sexes, races...and this throughout his life.

Living together is always beneficial for the Collie who is deeply sociable and enjoys company. The presence of other animals, cats, horses, chickens etc. also pleases him a lot.

Social Needs

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