BARF "Bone And Raw Feeding" or "Biologically Appropriate Raw Food"'

We have chosen a natural diet for our dogs.
BARF = Biologically Appropriate Raw Food understand, “ Biologically Appropriate Raw Food ”.
This is a mode of feeding that comes as close as possible to the natural diet of the dog which is, let us remember, an opportunistic carnivore.
The bowls are made up of raw fleshy meat and bones, offal, and a mix of fruits and vegetables reduced to a puree to be able to be properly used by the dog's body, as well as some supplements such as eggs, brewer's yeast, vegetable oils...
It is neither a fad nor a fad from the imagination of a few owners but rather a full-fledged feeding method developed by veterinarians and recommended throughout the world by thousands of breeders.
Our first motivation : the health of our dogs.
The appearance of croquettes is recent, and with it, the explosion of many diseases such as kidney failure, diabetes, obesity, periodontal diseases, etc.
How to properly feed a domestic carnivore with a dehydrated diet, composed of more than 80% cereal by-products (even for the " grandes " brands)_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_?
Many articles deal with these subjects, I invite you to read the sites " Tribu Carnivore ", " Dur A905cc75c Avail -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_” as well as the book “ Toxic Croquettes ”, to name but a few.
Feed raw est : balanced, economical, respectful of your animal, requires little preparation time (it is not a household ration where you have to cook various ingredients…) .
The only constraint will be storage, if you have several animals, you will have to invest in a large freezer: a small 100 liter chest contains about 50 kg of meat, the equivalent of 6 to 8 weeks of food for a Colle y.
To give you some figures, at the farm, we save almost €1000 per year compared to a top-of-the-range kibble. Preparing 8 bowls takes me 15 minutes a day, washing included.
Our oldest dogs have white teeth and have never needed scaling !
The filling of our compost has been divided by 5.
Our dogs are happy to eat and never leave a crumb, that's a real satisfaction...
Our puppies are weaned as follows :
- 3 weeks : chicken fillets mixed in goat's milk
- 3 weeks ½ : introduction of ground beef
- 4 weeks : introduction of ground carcasses (bones) and mixed carrots.
- 4 weeks ½ : pig introduction. The meats are now cut finely.
- 5 weeks : First meaty bone with chicken necks. Introduction of eggs. Introduction of supplements.
- 6 weeks : the fruit and vegetable mix is diversifying.
- 7 weeks : introduction of fish. We offer larger pieces.
- 8 weeks : We eat almost like the grown-ups !
When you pick up your puppy, we give you a mini cooler with daily portions for a week to get you started, along with a full information sheet in the breeding booklet.

Note to adopters:
Considering that the arrival of a dog in the family is a thoughtful act, anticipated and requiring a real investment, it seems to me quite possible to invest in a freezer to organize the storage of food for its future dog as well as giving 10 minutes daily to the preparation of his bowl...
At Talamasca we feed 8 dogs, 2 cats plus puppies in this way, while working on the side!
We are here to help and guide you so that this way of eating quickly becomes as easy for you as it is for us.
However, in order not to slow down people who would have real technical difficulties in giving 100% BARF food, we offer, at your option and after discussion, a "mixed" raw-grain-free weaning for your puppy.
It is also possible to discuss together a more classic household ration, the important thing being to be sure that the puppy will have a balanced diet!
On the other hand, it is unthinkable for me to wean a puppy only on kibble, for his well-being and his health!

List of Suppliers
You can now give yourself an idea of how BARF suppliers work and get in touch with groups that organize group orders in order to reduce shipping costs as much as possible (look for "barf group" on Facebook).
=> If you are close to breeding, you can of course group up with us <=
EASY BARF home delivery by refrigerated package or mini-pallet.
Whole shredded, poultry, fish, prey, supplements... the MUST for suppliers.
POHER POULTRY home delivery or by carrier in a cold store.
Whole chickens, thighs, necks, ground carcasses, beef...
DOGSFRESH (Belgium), home delivery or by carrier in cold storage throughout France.
Poultry, fish, beef, ground lamb, duck, horse, offal...
SAINT LAURENT zoo supplier, delivery on pre-scheduled schedule.