Courageous Wind Whispers for Talamasca
It took 3 years of relentless research throughout Europe, Canada and the United States to finally find the male who meets all our selection criteria.
I dreamed of a blue-merle Collie, but beyond the color on which I was ready to make concessions, I wanted a GREAT male, 100% American and above all, genetically healthy for all hereditary diseases of the race.
After many disappointments, waiting, I began to give up...I had been following the breeding of the Newmans: Wind whispers for several months, who do a remarkable job of raising Collies close to their origins and in good health. But Montana is far, very far... It was on a Sunday morning that I saw the advertisement for this splendid, absolutely perfect 8-month-old blue-merle male, I had just told my husband that I gave up my research a week earlier!!! Of a go-getter and optimistic nature, I forgot all my doubts and sent a message to Suzi asking if it was possible for Brave to come to France, and to my delight, she said YES!
The meeting with Brave was beyond all my expectations! He is a very nice dog, very well educated, the bond was put in place immediately to never leave each other...
Its description
Born on: 04/20/2018
Color: blue-merle
Height: 65cm
Weight: 37kg

His Health Tests
AOC: +/+ healthy
APR: +/+ healthy
DM: +/+ healthy
MDR1: +/+ healthy
Von Willebrand: +/+ healthy

His parents
Commanche of the Shadowland & Stirling's Trend Setter

Les deux sont testés au travail sur moutons !

Ses frères et soeurs