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Purebred Dogs: More Fragile than Crossbreeds?

I often hear that purebred dogs are "more fragile than mongrels".

First annoyed, then incomprehension given the longevity and good health of my dogs, my reason pushed me to explore the question and find answers. So this is an assertion that needs to be qualified .

They are inbred

It's not a secret: to obtain a breed, you have to go through inbreeding. After many generations, however, it becomes possible to work in out-cross using very distant lines, but this is not always the key to producing beautiful and healthy dogs! Inbreeding makes it possible to highlight strong points such as flaws, it is very useful for fixing the character traits that one wishes to see continue, but also for ousting subjects carrying diseases from reproduction.

It becomes possible to develop healthy lines, which can be worked in inbreeding (at least over a certain period because overdoing it, fertility decreases), guaranteeing the good health of the puppies produced.

When you adopt a cross, the dogs are not screened for hereditary diseases, there is no decline in their longevity/health. You should also know that many genetic diseases are common to several breeds: it is obvious that even a cross can develop a defect "reserved for pedigree dogs".

The influence of pet food

The industrial food called "kibble" has made a sensational entry into the canine world by the conversion of breeders to this mode of food. Petfood manufacturers have seduced them with a product that is easy to store, saving them space, time and sometimes money.

It will not take long before all the puppies leave the breeding with their "puppy kit", embarking the new owners directly on this food.

Without developing too much here, how can we imagine that an animal is in good health fed all its life with a dehydrated food with a unique recipe? The longevity of dogs has dropped by 3 years even though veterinary medicine has made considerable progress, making it possible to treat a number of illnesses hitherto intractable in animals!

All dogs are subject to our polluted environment, to our stressful way of life, negatively influencing their quality of life, but purebred dogs were the first to be affected by petfood: digestive disorders, skin problems, allergies...

Fortunately, an awareness is exerted on many breeders who return to a fresh and varied diet, thus allowing their breed to regain their hardiness.

To conclude

Purebred dogs are no more fragile than crossbreeds when they are provided with a quality environment and food.

You can have the guarantee of a dog without known genetic defects, and therefore in good health, something impossible in a mongrel.

Crusaders are wonderful companions in the same way as those of race but for which you have no hindsight or guarantee as to their health and character.

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