The Position of the Ears
What the standard says
"The ears are small and not too close together at the top of the head nor too far apart. At rest they are carried back but when the dog is alert they are brought forward and carried semi-erect, i.e. say that the ear is erect approximately in its first two thirds while the upper third falls naturally forward, below the horizontal."

Correct ears from the front

Correct ears in profile

Correct ears at rest
How to get correct ears?
There is both a part of genetics and a part of luck in the correct positioning of the ears. Also it is not uncommon to encounter Collies with only one or both right ears. It is however a fundamental point in the final expression of the Collie!
If their size depends only on the morphology of each Collie, the shape and position can, fortunately for us, be modified with a few tricks.
The position of the ears can only be modified and worked on until the dog's teething time is up to the age of 7/8 months! After the results can not be final.